Commitment Sunday – November 10, 2019

Commitment Sunday – November 10, 2019

Church Family,

You will soon be receiving a letter from your Pastor and Business & Finance Committee regarding this year’s stewardship campaign, “GIVING as a way of LIVING.” Included with this letter is a copy of a pledge card, where you can let the church know of your desire to support the mission and ministry of First Baptist Church in the coming year. Please prayerfully consider how you might be generous with God through supporting the work God is doing here.

Pledging your support of this church’s work is a re-commitment each year to continue in ministry together. Just as we joined the church (perhaps decades ago!), we join the church each year when we pledge our support in finances, volunteer hours, and prayer.

Sunday, November 10 will be our Commitment Sunday, where in worship, we have an opportunity to re-commit ourselves to the incredible work God is doing and will do in and through our church. You are asked to bring your completed pledge cards to the church with you that Sunday and place them in the offering plate. If you cannot be here that Sunday, feel free to mail or drop off your pledge card to the church financial secretary.

In advance of our worshipful celebration of re-commitment to this church and to God, allow me to say Thank You in advance. First Baptist, you are an incredibly generous family of faith, and I’m grateful to be your pastor.

Thank You so much,


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