Join Us for a Service of Worship
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Fourth Sunday in Lent
FBC Sanctuary
Virtual Worship
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Scripture includes: Matthew 25:35-36, 40
Guest CBF Preachers, Greg & Sue Smith will preach a sermon entitled, “Modeling Compassion, Building Capacity, Helping Others to Care”
We Welcome Greg & Sue Smith as our guest preachers this morning!
Greg and Sue Smith are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving the first-generation Latino immigrant community through LUCHA Ministries, Inc., located in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
LUCHA Ministries provides a Christian response to the immigration issue and the needs of the immigrant community. LUCHA advocates for the rights of immigrants and their families, offers a legal services clinic, and helps them obtain services in Spanish. Greg and Sue equip others to work with the immigrant population by offering training and serving as consultants to individuals, churches, and other organizations. The goal is holistic ministry that address the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of immigrants.
Greg and Sue also serve as members of CBF’s Advocacy Action Team for Immigrants and Refugees. The group cultivates a network of active advocates by providing resources, being informed about current legislation and trends, and encouraging direct policy advocacy at critical moments alongside and on behalf of immigrants and refugees.
The Smiths’ ministry goals center on helping Latino immigrant families to live better, healthier, more productive lives in the United States, with opportunities to integrate fully into their communities. Some of their programs through LUCHA include:
Cinco Panes – hunger relief services for immigrant families
Project Adelante – women’s empowerment program featuring classes to train and equip Latinas in skills that can be used for personal and family support
Bridges of Hope – literacy, ESOL and mentoring program for children and parents
Immigration Legal Services – low-cost immigration legal assistance to qualified immigrants and refugees
Bilingual counseling and pastoral care from a culturally sensitive trauma-informed perspective
Today is the Fourth Sunday in Lent. Lent is the season in which we anticipate Jesus’ final trip to Jerusalem and the self-giving nature of love shown in his passion and death. The season begins with Ash Wednesday and extends for forty days through Saturday of Holy Week. Sundays are excluded from Lent, being regarded as feast days in the midst of the forty-day fast. Lent is a strongly penitential season. The liturgical color is purple, used to symbolize penance, preparation, sacrifice.
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