Join FBC & CHBC for a night of fun and candy!
Friday, October 27, 2023
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
(Rain date/time: Monday, October 30th 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.)
Where: First Baptist Church Parking Lot, 23 Starling Avenue, Martinsville, VA 24112
What: Trunk-or-Treat • Games & Prizes • Music • Pumpkins • Crafts & More!
Hosts: Sister Churches First Baptist Church of Martinsville and Chatham Heights Baptist Church
Why: To provide parents a fun and safe place for their children to trick-or-treat, play fall and Halloween-themed games for prizes, listen to great music, and have some snacks/dinner.
Who: All children and their families are welcome!
Cost: FREE
FBC is teaming up with Chatham Heights Baptist Church to host a Harvest Fest in the FBC Parking Lot. Bring your children in their costumes and trick-or-treat at decorated trunks, enjoy snacks from Food Trucks, play games for prizes, take fun photos, listen to live music, and more!
First Baptist & Chatham Heights members will be setting up trunks, donating candy, offering a photo session, and setting up some fun games and activities, and we’d also love for our FBC ELC parents to join in making this a fun event for all the kids!
We will need your help, churches!!
List of Needed Volunteers (not exhaustive!):
- Gathering Halloween/Fall decorations (for those needing help decking out their trunks),
- Donating of bags of candy to pass out to the kids
- Setting up the event
- Setting up a trunk and passing out candy to the kids
- Supervising games and prizes
- Supervising Crafts
- Handing out goody bags and serving as greeters
- Directing traffic
- Taking down the event
Click here for the full sign-up sheet!
Please let us know if you are able to help out by contacting the church office (276) 632-6336 or ELC office (276) 632-2636. We are keeping a close eye on the weather and will let you know if there are any changes.