

​Communal worship is a focal point of our gathering together, and music provides ways in which we share our love for God, both through congregational singing and prepared pieces by our choir and instrumentalists. We worship at 11:00AM  in our Sanctuary each Sunday morning, as well as in our Chapel at various times throughout the year. We also occasionally have special services outdoors. Our traditional services are “liturgical-lite,” honoring the beauty and majesty of worshiping God in the Sanctuary and following the Christian year together, but are also family-oriented and relaxed. Our worship music is led by our Associate Pastor for Music & Worship Rev. David Cameron, and Baxter Jennings (organist/pianist), along with gifted musicians in our church choir/ensembles and instrumentalists who play everything from keyboard to guitar to dulcimer to wind and percussion instruments.

Music Latest News

First Baptist Church has a growing music program. Check out what we are up to!

Choirs & Ensembles

First Baptist Church has a Sanctuary choir that meets weekly and sings specially-prepared anthems for church services. Led by Rev. David Cameron, the choir brings beauty and meaning to each of our worship experiences. Do you sing or want to learn how? We’d love to have you join our choir! Our music program also seeks out the musically talented for solos and smaller ensembles as well. FBC has a five-octave handbell set, various string instruments, and we are always seeking those who can read music to play our instruments.

Traditional Worship at First Baptist is gifted with not only a Sanctuary choir and an excellent organist/pianist, but we often invite guest instrumentalists to accompany our worship music. You will hear dulcimers, violins, oboes, flutes, guitars, keyboards, percussion instruments, and more in our services – all for the glory of God!

Psalm 150: 3-6

Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!

Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!

Praise him with clanging cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!

First Music Academy

First Baptist’s Music Ministry, led by Rev. David Cameron, wants children and youth to learn music as an art, a discipline, and a way of loving God and neighbor. Founded in 2020 and re-launched in 2022 after a brief hiatus, the First Music Academy seeks to create space for this kind of growth and learning.

Mission Statement

First Music Academy of First Baptist Church Martinsville, Virginia exists to provide music instruction and mentorship in the context and safety of a Christian Community. Its goal is to inspire and equip students to become excellent musicians, outstanding thinkers and articulate advocates for music, for the sake of others, and in service to God’s Kingdom.


To achieve its goal of inspiring students through music, First Music Academy immerses children and youth in the formative experience of making music and fostering creativity all under the mentorship of music professionals and scholars who are committed to the mission First Music Academy. To achieve its goal of equipping students, the First Music Academy provides both music classes as well as one-on-one studio instruction with professional teachers, end-of-term recitals, and instrument-specific literature and pedagogy.

First Music Academy serves First Baptist Church of Martinsville Virginia, the FBC Early Learning Center, and the broader community by maintaining a safe and secure venue to interested and talented students and community members, and by offering high-quality recitals performed by our own musicians as well as by guest artists. No matter the context, First Music Academy believes that the ultimate purpose of music is to honor God, and that the appropriate response to the experience of music is gratitude and adoration for the Creator, who is the source of every good and perfect gift.

First Music Academy

Classes & Lessons


PreK-3 and Pre-K4 Classes will meet with “Pastor David” at 11:00AM on Thursdays to learn the elements of music (steady beat, matching pitches, movement, stage poise, camaraderie & how to sing and perform music as a group).


Along with our chapel time with Pastor Caroline each Tuesday at 10:00AM, children will learn Bible story songs with Pastor David. Children of all ages (toddlers through age 4) will learn to sing and perform movements to children’s Bible songs.


Kindergarten-5th Grade Music Class will meet with Pastor David at 4:30PM on Tuesdays to learn the elements of music (steady beat, matching pitches, movement, stage poise, camaraderie & how to sing and perform music as a group), as well as beginning music theory (recognizing notes, pitches, interval training, and more).

Associate Pastor for Music & Worship

Rev. David Cameron
Rev. David Cameron joined the FBC Staff in June 2022 as part of our covenant with sister church Chatham Heights Baptist Church to share Associate Pastor positions. David has been on staff at Chatham Heights since 2001 and is excited to be a part of our music ministry here as well now. Click Here To Learn More About David

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