ReShape: Transforming Church Process

ReShape: Transforming Church Process

ReShape Transforming Church Initiative

Community of Practice: CHBC & FBC in Martinsville

with Mark Tidsworth of Pinnacle Leadership Associates

Sister churches in Martinsville are walking together through a guided process to integrate the innovation & adaptation of the last year+ in our post-COVID church experience. We seek together to be a greater expression of the Body of Christ in our community.

We have an opportunity to grow through this last year’s disruption of our lives rather than simply return to pre-COVID “church-as-it-always-was.”

Instead of leaving our spiritual growth to chance, though, we are choosing cooperatively to embark on an intentional journey of transformation with sister CBF church Chatham Heights Baptist Church.

Let us discover  our purpose jointly through this Spirit-driven renewal process.

Explanation of Process

What is ReShape, exactly?

Watch the intro video for the ReShape process with Mark Tidsworth of Pinnacle Leadership below.

Mark will serve as our guide and coach through this intentional process with CHBC, and he will bring to us the information and discerning process through the Coordination Team coaching, churchwide events, and guidance for our small group studies this fall.

Pick up a copy of the ReShape book TODAY! They are available in the church office.

Learn more by clicking here.

Schedule of Events

Our church’s Coordination Team and CHBC’s Coordination Team will meet monthly beginning in July for training webinars. Then, each church’s Coordination Team will meet monthly for coaching and preparation for guiding the church through this discernment process.

For the whole church, there will be some specific events to put on your calendar now. We need EVERYONE to join us on this journey – so make sure your schedule is open on these dates/times!

Sunday August 22, 2021 at 4:00PM Churchwide Launch Event

Weekly Small Group Meetings beginning the week of September 12, 2021 for 8 Weeks

You will be sorted into a small group that will meet once a week to learn more about how to reshape church. Out of these conversations, prayerful ideas will be shared with the church’s ReShape coordination team

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