Season of Lent 2020

Season of Lent 2020

We journey together as a church family and in with wider Christian community here in Martinsville through the season of Lent. See below for upcoming services and devotions to help center your spirit as we prepare our hearts for our Holiest Week. Join us for any/all of these meaningful moments of preparation.


First Baptist Church Services & Gatherings


Ash Wednesday

This Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Chapel, we will gather to begin the season of Lent through the worship of God and the imposition of ashes. Join us as we prepare our hearts to walk alongside Jesus in this season of growth as we head to the cross, and ultimately to Easter morning .

Sunday Services in Lent

11:00 a.m. First Baptist Sanctuary (March & April services CANCELLED)

Wednesday Evening Meal & Devotion (CANCELLED as of 3/12/2020)

5:00 p.m. Dinner in Fellowship Hall

6:00 p.m. Lenten Study in Fellowship Hall

Season of Lent & Discernment

Please pick up your 40 Days of Prayer Lenten guide in the Narthex. As we discern this year God’s calling for our next season of ministry together, this guide will help us as a congregation to engage in focused prayer – about the Making the Shift visioning process, about our church’s ministry, about our own involvement in all of these important changes. This guide will help deepen our faith, open ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s movement, and challenges us to think differently about the nature and mission of the Church.

Holy Week

Shared Services with Chatham Heights Baptist & Starling Avenue Baptist:


Community Services & Devotions


Lenten Worship Wednesdays at Noon

First United Methodist Church Sanctuary

March 4- Denise Bates, Superintendent, Danville & Farmville Districts of the Va. Conference UMC

March 11- Libby Grammer, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Martinsville

March 18- Tim Gearhart, Pastor, Wesley Memorial UMC

March 25- Ashley Harrington, Co-Pastor, Starling Avenue Baptist

April 1- Brian Harrington, Co-Pastor, Starling Avenue Baptist

April 8- Bonnylee Whitt, Chaplain SOVAH Health


Ecumenical Lenten Lunches Tuesdays at Noon

March 3- First Presbyterian Martinsville, Devotion: Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer

March 10- Grace Presbyterian, Devotion: Rev. Ashley Harrington

March 17- Christ Episcopal, Devotion: Rev. Keith Spangenberg – CANCELLED

March 24- Starling Ave. Baptist, Devotion: Rev. Make Carrow – CANCELLED

March 31- Broad Street Christian, Devotion: Rev. CRE Kelvin Perry – CANCELLED

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