Seventh Sunday After Epiphany, February 20, 2022

Seventh Sunday After Epiphany, February 20, 2022

Join Us for a Service of Worship

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany

FBC Sanctuary


Virtual Worship

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Scripture includes: Joel 2:28-32 and Matthew 2:19-23

Guest CBF Preacher, Sam Harrell will preach a sermon entitled, “Messages of Epiphany



Sam was born to Baptist missionary parents in Nairobi, Kenya where he spent all of his childhood and most of his adult life. Married to Melody (spiritual director, born and raised in Uganda), they have three adult sons. A graduate of North Carolina State University and Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Sam together with Melody founded Africa Exchange, a non-profit education and community development organization, through which they have operated over the last 20 years under the auspices of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship as global field personnel. Sam’s primary work has been in community development and appropriate technology with marginalized urban and rural communities in Kenya. He has also conducted cross-cultural field education and service learning modules for a number of institutions including Mercer University, Baylor University and Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond where Sam was adjunct faculty in practical mission. As Associate Coordinator of Global Missions for the Decatur, GA based Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Sam’s responsibilities include facilitating the work of global field personnel in some 20 countries. He is passionate about environmental stewardship and draws important connections between engaging God’s mission and caring for creation.


This Sunday is the Seventh Sunday After Epiphany in the Christian year. Epiphany (January 6) celebrates the manifestation of God in Jesus Christ. The Season of Epiphany continues this emphasis, calling attention to the words and deeds of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The liturgical color is green, representing new life and growth.

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