Book Review: The Scarlet Feather by Maeve Benchy from McCabe Library

Book Review:  The Scarlet Feather by Maeve Benchy from McCabe Library

Got a little time on your hands?

Read The Scarlet Feather by Maeve Binchy

Maeve Binchy does it so well.  THE SCARLET FEATHER was donated to McCabe Library and is certainly highly recommended. In Ireland two friends who met a culinary school are determined to have a catering business that features each of their specialties.  They are gallantly [perhaps] supported by each of their own love interests. Early in the story they find the perfect venue.  The family  backgrounds of the characters are carefully intwined in the proceedings.  And family is most important to each caterer. Tom Feather and Cathy Scarlet lead the reader on an intriguing journey. A bit of a slow start, perhaps, but this reader could not put it down after chapter one. [Fic/Aga]

If you want to read this book now and can’t order it, our library will gladly loan it to you. Simply come by the church during office hours and we can leave the book out for you to pick up.

When Restrictions are lifted, walk right in to McCabe/Kesler Library and pick and choose!
Just leave us the sign out card on the desk.


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