Book Review: Watch Out For Chicken Feet In Your Soup from McCabe Library

Book Review: Watch Out For Chicken Feet In Your Soup from McCabe Library

Got a little time on your hands?

Read Watch Out For Chicken Feet  In Your Soup 

by Tomie de Paola

Watch Out For Chicken Feet In Your Soup  by Tomie de Paola. This book is a particular favorite of children. I once heard de Paola say that this story was really from his own experience as a child. A hilarious story of an American child, Eugene, visiting his good friend, Joey, and going to Joey’s Italian grandmother’s house. Joey has reservations about how Eugene will understand his grandmother’s Italian ways. Eugene and Joey have a ball however because the grandmother and Joey have a very special relationship. Eugene loves it all. One reviewer said she bought several copies for her friends who had similar memories from their immigrant grandmothers.

If you want to read this book now and can’t order it, our library will gladly loan it to you. Simply come by the church during office hours and we can leave the book out for you to pick up.

When Restrictions are lifted, walk right in to McCabe/Kesler Library and pick and choose!
Just leave us the sign out card on the desk.


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