Come Home for Christmas!
First Sunday of Advent, December 1st
11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary
Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In
Caroling at Piedmont Arts Christmas Tree Lighting, December 5th
4:30PM to 6:00PM, Piedmont Arts Gravely-Lester Art Garden (across Mulberry Rd. from FBC)
The Annual Christmas Tree lighting in the Gravely-Lester Art Garden. There will be a story telling Santa, snacks, crafts, and holiday music by the Martinsville High School Jazz band as well as our choir!
Faith-Filled Family Fridays, December 6th
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Chatham Heights Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
Families with children ranging from ages 1-11 are welcome to join us for dinner, a Bible lesson on the Christmas story, and crafts for families to participate in together. We hope to see you there!
Second Sunday of Advent, December 8th
11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary
Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In
Interim Pastor’s Open House, December 8th
2:00 p.m-4:00 p.m. Drop-in and share some holiday fellowship!
ELC Christmas Pageant, December 11th
7:00 p.m. ELC Pageant in the FBC Sanctuary
Breakfast with Santa, December 14th
9:30 a.m. in the Chatham Heights Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
Third Sunday of Advent, December 15th
11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary
Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In
Community Carol Sing, December 15th
4:00PM, FBC Sanctuary – First Baptist Martinsville, Chatham Heights Baptist, Pocahontas Bassett Baptist, and Starling Avenue Baptist, will join in singing carols with a reception afterwards to celebrate the season.
Longest Night Service, Saturday, December 21st
6:00PM, CHBC Sanctuary – Shared Service with Chatham Heights Baptist Church. Click here to learn more.
Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 22nd
11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary
Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, December 24th
4:00PM, FBC Sanctuary
Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In
Richard’s Dinner, December 25th
Volunteer to help serve or deliver meals.
Send donations to Grace Network, PO box 3902, Martinsville. VA 24115, marked Richard’s Dinner
First Sunday after Christmas, December 29th
11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary
Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In
Epiphany Sunday, January 5th
11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary
Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In
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Call Toll-Free 1-833-548-0276 and enter Meeting ID: 276 632 6336