Deacon Ordination Sunday, February 14, 2021

Deacon Ordination Sunday, February 14, 2021

Join Us for a Service of Worship

Sunday, February 14, 2021 11:00 AM

Virtual Worship at 11:00 AM
Deacon Ordination Sunday
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Scripture includes: Acts 6:1-7 and Romans 16:1-6

Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer will preach a sermon entitled, “I Commend to You Our Sister(s)”

Deacon Ordination Sunday reminds us that women and men are called to be set apart for their giftedness in ministry. Deacons are servant leaders of the church and providers of congregational care, and they model their ministry after the ministry of Jesus. Ordaining deacons does not convey special authority or power, but it opens a door to ministry, presenting a new kind of opportunity for those who serve. Like the early church, we want to bless those who will lead and love us as Christ did, and I hope our words to these two new deacons will be like Paul’s words in his letter to the Roman church: “I commend to you our sister(s)!”

Today is the Last Sunday After Epiphany—known as Transfiguration Sunday. The Season of Epiphany calls attention to the words and deeds of Jesus’ earthly ministry by which his divine sonship is made manifest. This last Sunday is the Transfiguration of the Lord, in which Christ’s divine sonship is reaffirmed. The liturgical color for today is white, recalling Jesus’ appearance in glorious splendor.

During Today’s Service, we ordain and commission two new deacons in our congregation. Though we would typically lay hands on these newly-elected servants and pray for them, due to the pandemic, we will ordain them virtually and offer our blessings in new ways. Our newly ordained and commissioned deacons will provide spiritual care for our church family in the coming years. Join us as we pray for and support these new deacons: Sylvia Knight and Nancy Thomas.

Thank you to our deacons who are rotating off the active deacon body! The First Baptist Church family extends heartfelt thanks for the faithful ministry of those deacons who are rotating off of active service: Bobby Moore, Linda Dorr, Cliff Rood, Stephens Turner, Linda Read, Ruth Dandridge, and Errol Wallace. We give thanks to God for you!

Giving of our Resources

Please continue to give generously to the ministries of our church in 2021, even as we cannot meet in person each week. You can give online here or mail / drop off your tithes and offerings to the church office. Your gifts help us to continue to minister through virtual church services, Bible studies, ministry to the community, and more.

Thank you for providing for the mission and ministry of First Baptist Church!

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