Join Us for a Service of Worship
Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 11:00 AM
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost 
FBC Sanctuary
Virtual Worship
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Scriptures include: Psalm 49:1-12 and Luke 12:13-21
Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer will preach a sermon entitled, “The “Me” Problem”
Wealth. Money. Generosity. Jesus had lots to say about it. But more than anything, Jesus had lots to say about our *attitudes* towards these things. The rich man in the parable in our text this Sunday had a serious “me” problem. But following Jesus calls us away from selfish gain and toward our neighbors in need.
This is the season after Pentecost in the Christian year. Having celebrated the “birthday of the church” through the giving of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, we enter the Season after Pentecost for 24 weeks, to celebrate the existence of the church and recall her mission in the world. The liturgical color for the season is green, symbolic of the church’s growth and mission.
Giving of our Resources
Please continue to give generously to the ministries of our church. You can give in person in the offering plate, online here, or mail / drop off your tithes and offerings to the church office. Your gifts help us to continue to minister through church services, Bible studies, ministry to the community, and more.
Thank you for providing for the mission and ministry of First Baptist Church!