FBC & ELC Easter Egg Hunt 2024

FBC & ELC Easter Egg Hunt 2024

FBC Kids & FBC ELC Easter Egg Hunt!

Friday, March 22nd at 4:00 p.m.
(Rain Date: Friday, March 29th at 4:00 p.m.)
ELC Playground & Adjacent Lawn**

There will be three separate Easter Egg Hunts separated by age group. The Toddlers and Two’s will have their egg hunt at 4:00pm on the playground, Pre-K3 & PreK4/5 will have their egg hunt at 4:30pm on the Gravely Lot (adjacent lawn), and the school-age kids will have their egg hunt at 4:45pm on the Gravely Lot (adjacent lawn). Please be sure to send your child to school with their Easter basket!

Following the Easter Egg Hunts, we will have a hotdog dinner in the Fellowship Hall. You must sign your child out of daycare and accompany them to the dinner if you wish for them to attend. There will also be crafts and photos with the Easter Bunny. Parents are more than welcome to come early to watch your child participate in their egg hunt, please let us know if you plan to attend the dinner.

We are collecting candy donations until March 17th. Please avoid bringing in any candy with nuts, peanuts, and peanut butter. Candy donations can either be given to your child’s teacher or dropped off in the church office.

Call or Email the Church Office to Sign Up to Help!


Come Join the Fun!

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