History Committee Request

History Committee Request

Our newly-established History Committee is collecting items related to the history of First Baptist Church. We will in the coming months and years begin the process of preserving and displaying these items to honor our 135-year legacy in this community. Please consider donating any materials or artifacts you find to the church collection. Items will be properly stored and routinely displayed.

Examples of items/documents we’d love to have from you:

Records from various meetings (including minutes)
Photographs of any church activities
Any programs or materials related to youth group, VBS, Choir (e.g. ice cream socials), church promotions (e.g. fundraising), Eagle Eyrie, Training Union, RA’s and GA’s, Bible studies, or other events
Actual artifacts (e.g. bricks from 2001 renovation)

We have the shovel used at the 1958 groundbreaking of the Starling Ave site: it will soon be on display in the Narthex as a friendly reminder to share with us what you have!

Your FBC History Committee,

John Fulcher, Chair

Dottie Lewis, Church Librarian

Pam Burgess, Church Clerk

History Committee Members: Bill & Susan Sapp, Judy Epperly, Marie Lannom


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