Longest Night Service, December 21, 2022

Longest Night Service, December 21, 2022

Join Us for a Service of Worship

on the Longest Night of the Year

Wednesday, December 21, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.

Chatham Heights Baptist Sanctuary*

Shared Service with Chatham Heights Baptist Church

We recognize this is not always “the most wonderful time of the year” for everyone. Sometimes we need to face the reality that even in the midst of colorful lights and celebration, we also face the longest, darkest nights – and sometimes also the darkest nights of our souls. Join us for our Longest Night service on Wednesday, December 21st at 6:00 p.m., a shared service with our sister church, Chatham Heights Baptist Church, held in the CHBC Sanctuary.

During this service, you will be invited to name and light a candle for a loss or disappointment you are experiencing. Even if you are unable to attend this service of lament, we invite you to find a time to name the things that are most difficult this season. Remember that though it is dark now, the Light of the world is coming.

Click here to view bulletin

*Childcare provided

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