Missions at FBC
Serving our neighbors is our highest calling next to loving and worshipping God. To that end, First Baptist Martinsville is committed to supporting local, state, national, and international missions organizations through prayer, financial resources, and service. Below you will find ways we engage our community, from our Women on Mission group to our local and national missions partners with whom we share the work of caring for our neighbors in Jesus’ name.
And Jesus said:
“…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’”
Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:35-40
Missions Latest News
First Baptist Church has a committed group of missions volunteers serving throughout Martinsville and Henry County. We are currently expanding missions opportunities for our church family as well as others in our community. Come and join us as we serve!
A Year of Giving: FBC Missions Review 2024
Click to see how your money and time and talents were used in 2024 to serve others in Jesus’ name!
MHC Warming Center 2024-2025
Find ways to volunteer your time and donate needed items for the new MHC Warming Center!
Rise Against Hunger Event
Join us for a Rise Against Hunger Event!
Women on Mission
Women on Mission is a gathering of women who learn about and engage in missions. Each meeting, they gather as a sisterhood to focus their energies on how to best understand God’s mission in the world and their part in it, both locally and globally. They often invite a representative from various community organizations to share with them about their work. Through learning about needs in our community, they are able to become more involved with mission partners here in Martinsville and Henry County. They also encourage missions giving and support the sharing of Christ’s love through giving of our resources as well. All women of the church are invited to participate on the first Monday of each month at 10:00AM! See below for the latest news from FBC’s Women on Mission!
Missions Offering December 2024: Heifer International
WMU are sponsoring a churchwide mission focus for year-end with Heifer International…Give today!
God’s Pit Crew Disaster Relief – October 2024
Join us for this missions opportunity to help with disaster relief!
Alma Hunt Virginia Missions Offering 2024
This year’s Alma Hunt Virginia Missions Offering will be collected in September at FBC – click to read more!
Mission Partners
Grace Network of Martinsville and Henry County
Grace Network is a faith-based, first-stop center for resources for families in crisis in Martinsville and Henry County. Supported by more than one hundred congregations, hundreds of individuals, civic groups, corporations, and foundations, Grace Network is where people at risk for homelessness or facing a crisis involving essential life needs can find help and a listening ear. Grace Network is here to help our neighbors in need keep a roof over their heads, their homes warm and lighted, and food on the table. Grace Network strives to give short-term assistance and to help find long-term solutions.
Henry County Baptist Association
The Henry County Baptist Association (HCBA) is a group of 31 churches in the Martinsville and Henry County area of Virginia who
Good News Jail Ministry
Founded in 1961, Good News Jail & Prison Ministry is a Christian outreach that provides chaplains, volunteers, counseling, and educational programs to jails and prisons in 21 US states and 21 countries or territories worldwide. Good News believes that each one of the 9.6 million (2.3 million US) people incarcerated in the world today represents a broken life and a family in pain. They also embody amazing opportunities for hope, healing, hearts to be made whole, and lives to be given to Christ. When this happens, the transformational changes that result are carried forward exponentially and experienced eternally. Good News Jail & Prison Ministry is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, fully funded through gifts and donations from businesses, churches, foundations, and individuals committed to seeing lives and families restored and patterns of generational violence broken forever.
Mission Partners
Baptist General Association of Virginia
BGAV is a cooperative missions and ministry organization that consists of over 1,400 autonomous churches in the Commonwealth of Virginia, as well as churches from Seoul, South Korea, Toronto, Ontario, the District of Columbia, and the states of California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and West Virginia. Geography does not limit churches from joining the mission and vision of the BGAV. The ministries of the BGAV are coordinated through the staff who work through five ministry teams who work alongside churches to help them be more effective in their ministries.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia
CBF Virginia is called to cultivate healthy congregations and engage individuals and churches in
Eagle Eyrie
Eagle Eyrie is owned and operated by the Baptist General Association of Virginia. Nestled on top of Locke Mountain, Eagle Eyrie is a
Hope Tree Family Services
HopeTree Family Services offers a wide range of ministries for at-risk children and youth and their families across Virginia, including:
- HopeTree Foster Care introduces children who need stable, loving homes to families who can provide them. We operate Treatment Foster Care offices in Salem, Chester, and Martinsville.
- HopeTree Academy provides a fully-accredited secondary educational program for our residents and day students from surrounding jurisdictions while they cope with their individual circumstances.
- Our Residential Care programs in Salem and at HopeTree WOODS provide opportunities for the spiritual, social, psychological, and emotional growth of at-risk youth.
- We also serve the needs of adults with intellectual disabilities and their families through our Developmental Disabilities Ministry which operates 20 community-based group homes across Virginia.
HopeTree Family Services is supported by the Virginia Baptist Children’s Home & Family Services
Piedmont Community Services
Piedmont Community Services provides a wide range of mental health, substance abuse and intellectual disability services and supports. Services are provided to children and adults in the counties of Henry, Franklin
Safetynet is a non-profit, private organization that was founded in 1984 to provide financial help to needy citizens of the Martinsville and Henry County area. The mission of Safetynet is to provide emergency financial assistance as a source of last resort to residents whose legitimate, urgent needs are not being adequately met from other public or private sources. Funding for
Women’s Missionary Union of Virginia
WMUV inspires and equips women to influence the world for Christ. WMUV believes that the call to influence the world for Christ transcends gender and the organization specifically values the call as it relates to women. They provide resources,
Mission Partners
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is a Christian network of individuals and churches working together to spread the hope of Christ. Our diverse community includes partners all over the globe, and our fellowship supports a wide range of missions and ministries that give people meaningful opportunities to put their faith into action.
Our CBF Field Personnel
CBF Field Personnel share the love and compassion of Jesus Christ in over 25 countries and regions around the world. Responding to God’s call and empowered by the Holy Spirit, field personnel cultivate beloved community, bear witness to Jesus Christ and seek transformational development among people who have been forgotten and forsaken by others. The field personnel serve alongside congregations and local ministry partners within three primary contexts: global poverty, global migration and the global church. Pick up a copy of the Prayers of the People, a CBF Missions Prayer Guide in the Church office or narthex to pray for our CBF field personnel, or find it online here.