New & Enhanced COVID-19 Precautions at FBC ELC

New & Enhanced COVID-19 Precautions at FBC ELC

Our FBC Early Learning Center has Implemented Some Stricter Guidelines

To prevent another full closure, we plan to put into place some stricter guidelines for our program to isolate children from different classes. That way, if another case of the virus occurs, only that particular class will need to quarantine, rather than closing the whole program.

Updated Lunch Hours and Lunchroom Separation

Lunchroom Separation – Toddlers & Twos

The Toddlers and Two-Year-Olds eat lunch at 11:00AM. The toddlers eat in an L-shape of high chairs more than 12 feet away from the two-year-old class eating at tables.









Lunchroom Separation – Pre-K and Virtual Learners

The Prek-3, Pre-K4, and Virtual Learning Classes eat lunch at 11:30AM. The Pre-K classes eat at the smaller tables on one side of the lunchroom, while the virtual learners eat at the round tables on the far end of the room. Every class is separated by 12 feet or more, and the virtual learners will have no more than 4 kids at a table at a time.






Table Top Sneeze Guards in place for Virtual Learning Classes

Sneeze Guards in Virtual Learning Class

We ordered 22 table top sneeze guards to separate our virtual learners during class time. These are portable shields that can be sanitized daily to prevent the spread of germs in a classroom setting.








4×5′ Free-Standing Sneeze Guards in the basement to separate classes during naptime

These larger sneeze guards have been placed in an L-shape to separate the three napping classes downstairs and avoid the spread of germs between classes during naps. These shields are also portable and can be sanitized regularly.






Masks Requirement now extends to all children and adults age 4 and over when in shared spaces

Any time anyone age 4 and up is in a hallway or shared space, they are to wear a mask at all times to prevent the spread of germs between classrooms.







No one adult will interact in close contact with multiple classes (15 minutes within 6 feet)

Because of the need to keep classes fully separate to contain any potential exposure, no staff member will be allowed into close contact with multiple classes. Close contact, as defined by the Health Department is interaction within 6 feet of a person for more than 15 minutes over the course of 24 hours.

Weekly Chapel & Music Classes are postponed until 11/30

Chapel will begin being held one class at a time in the larger space of the Sanctuary (formerly we held chapel in the Chapel with two classes at a time). Music classes will no longer involve singing for the time being but only focus on rhythm and instruments. Children will have music class one class at a time, with more than 6 feet of distance between the (masked) teacher and the students.

Water Fountains, Doorknobs, Light Switches, Hard Services Etc. are being Disinfected Several Times Daily

Our teachers and staff are regularly wiping down shared services throughout the day each day.

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