New Worship Video Ministry

You may have noticed we aren’t on the radio each Sunday anymore, but not to worry – we have a new ministry of video recording each service so you can feel as if you’re with us in person, even when you can’t be!

If you have internet access, please visit our website’s worship section at and click on the service video you are interested in watching. (We also have audio of older services, too, if you’re interested). You can watch these anytime/anywhere if you have access to the internet.

We also include the worship bulletin online with each service.

If you don’t have internet access, please contact the church office to be added to our new DVD ministry list so you can receive a recorded copy of the service on DVD from your deacon or through the mail. This new ministry will roll out in early 2019.

We are grateful for the recording abilities of Mrs. Linda Dorr, but we are in need of other video operators! If you are willing and able to serve as a video operator during worship services, please contact the church office. We will get you quickly trained and ready to help us minister to those who can’t come to worship!

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