Pastor’s Blog: Thriving in Ministry

Pastor’s Blog: Thriving in Ministry

By Rev. David Cameron

I was blessed to spend January 31st – February 3rd in Rock Hill SC with a group of fellow Music and Worship pastors.  I was recently selected to be part of a “Thriving in Ministry Cohort” Co-sponsored by the CBF and Polyphony Music Resources, and this was our first meeting.  It was clear early on that none of the twelve of us knew exactly what to expect, but we were all eager for and excited at the idea of Thriving in our Ministry.

Thriving is a vibrant word.  It brings to mind growth, health, energy, productivity, and abundance.  In our conversations several of us at the conference mentioned it was the word “Thriving” that captured our attention and made us decide to apply for the cohort.  The idea of Thriving is appealing in every way.

When I think of Thriving, I picture grape vines at harvest time, bursting with sweet fruit ripe for the picking, so heavy with grapes it pulls the vines groundward in their abundance.  And grapes always make me think of the fruits of the Spirit, and John 15:5 where Jesus declares, “I am the vine you are the branches.  Those who abide in Me and I in Them, bear much fruit, because apart from Me you can do nothing.”

As I spend the next year with this collection of new friends discovering (and re-discovering) what it takes to Thrive in my ministry, I plan to start fresh with the truth of John 15:5:  I must be rooted firmly in Christ and growing in the love and grace of Christ or I won’t accomplish anything of worth.

It’s a needful place to start.  Taking our strength from the boundless source of Jesus will lead to so much more than we could ever accomplish on our own.  It’s the only way we can truly Thrive and live a life of abundance.

So, whatever your ministry, (and as children of God we are all called to be at work for God) remember: God wants you to THRIVE in serving, being served, and every aspect of an abundant life well lived in the way of Jesus.  May we have the wisdom and will to stay firmly connected into Christ.


With Love and Blessings,



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