Pentecost Sunday, May 23, 2021

Pentecost Sunday, May 23, 2021

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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Pentecost Sunday

FBC Sanctuary


Virtual Worship

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Scripture includes: Acts 2:1-21

Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer will preach a Sermon entitled “A Messy, Mysterious Start”

For all the organizational structure of the modern-day church, the first believers after Jesus ascended to heaven gathered on Pentecost and experienced crazy and mysterious things that led to lots of languages being spoken, fire on people’s heads, and accusations of morning drunkenness. This Holy Spirit that infiltrated those early believers so drastically didn’t stop working among us, either. When we celebrate the church’s birthday, we should also celebrate our messy, mysterious calling this world – and not just one Sunday, but year-round, as we open ourselves to messy, mysterious ways of following the Spirit’s call in our world today.

Today is Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost, the birthday of the church, is celebrated each year the Sunday after Eastertide We celebrate the Holy Spirit (symbolized as fire in Acts 2) being given to the believers, thus giving birth to the church. The liturgical color is red, and we celebrate corporately by wearing the colors of fire: red, orange, and yellow.

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Thank you for providing for the mission and ministry of First Baptist Church!


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