Renovation Transformation – Phase 1

Renovation Transformation – Phase 1

At First Baptist Early Learning Center, we are gearing up for an exciting new school year, complete with renovated classrooms! We have completed renovating all the facilities (painting, flooring, and lighting) for all classrooms and the downstairs play area. And for three classrooms, our infant, Pre-K3, and Pre-K4 rooms, the transformation is now complete!

Infant Room Transformation

Our infant room is now equipped with all-new state-of-the-art cribs, new safety-enclosed glider rockers, new refrigerator, new changing table, new storage solutions, and new toys. Our babies are learning and hitting milestones as they interact with their teachers and their new environment.

Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 Transformations

Our Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 classrooms are now completely equipped with all the furniture and materials needed to fully make use of our curriculum Learn Every Day! With guidance from the experts at Smart Beginnings, these classrooms have been updated with new furniture specifically designed for curriculum learning materials. These new toys, games, and other learning manipulatives, promote a positive and flexible learning environment. The rooms are structured around “centers” where children can focus their learning activities throughout the day. The rooms also come with educational rugs and decor for use in classroom activities. The children in these classes learn through play and everyday experiences focusing on six foundations for learning: art and creativity, cognitive development, communication, language and literacy, math and science, and social/emotional development.

We have several openings for new students in the Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 classrooms. Register online or in person at FBC ELC today!

Pre-K3 Classroom Transformation

Pre-K4 Classroom Transformation

We are excited to continue our upgrades for the next few months as new furniture and materials are purchased for our other classrooms. Our next room for full transformation will be our Toddler Room, followed by our Two-Year-Old Room.

Come by and check out our rooms, and we look forward to supporting you in the growth and development of your child!

-First Baptist Church ELC Director, Beth Kotchish

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