Join Us for a Service of Worship
Sunday, August 23, 2020 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
The Open Church at 9:00 AM
Gather at 9:00 AM on the Front Plaza. Grab a blanket or chair, sit on the lawn, and build community / worship together. ALL are welcome!
Traditional Worship at 11:00 AM
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Virtual Church – Online
Scriptures include: Exodus 1:8-2:10
Sermon Series: August 23–October 18,2020
Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer will preach a sermon entitled, “Holy Subversion”
The liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt is a story many of us know – or at least we know in part. But the beginning of the story in the first and second chapters of Exodus might not be a part we know as well. You see, as pharaoh began to fear these foreigners living in Egypt, he got more and more drastic trying to keep them from “outnumbering” the Egyptians – all the way to ordering the murder of all the Hebrew baby boys at birth so there wouldn’t be an army raised against him. The paranoia the pharaoh was feeling was tangible. But in the face of such fearful circumstances, a couple of midwives – Shiphrah and Puah – take it upon themselves to subvert pharaoh’s plans and save the baby boys’ lives. Their deliverance of these children begins the story of the deliverance of all God’s children from the hand of oppression.
For the next few weeks, we will explore the Exodus narratives together, experiencing anew together the liberating story of a liberating God. Come and join us on this journey with the Hebrews out of Egypt!
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Giving of our Resources
Please continue to give generously to the ministries of our church, even as we cannot meet in person each week. You can give online here or mail / drop off your tithes and offerings to the church office. Your gifts help us to continue to minister through virtual church services, Bible studies, ministry to the community, and more.
Thank you for providing for the mission and ministry of First Baptist Church!