Join Us for a Service of Worship
Sunday, December 8, 2019 11:00 AM
Second Sunday of Advent
Scriptures include: Isaiah 2:1-5 and Romans 15:4-13
Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer will preach a sermon entitled “Live in Peace”
On the second Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of peace. We wonder what peace means in a world where no two groups can seem to agree on anything, let alone get along as friends and learn from one another. We fear that we will never find the kind of reconciliation Christ was meant to bring into the world. But Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome that this kind of peace and reconciliation has been part of God’s plan from the start, and how we live into that peaceful kingdom says something about our relationship to Emmanuel, God-with-us. Can we bring Christ’s peace into our division?