Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Join Us for a Service of Worship

Sunday, February 23, 2020 11:00 AM

Transfiguration Sunday

Scriptures include: 2 Peter 1:16-21 and Matthew 17:1-9

Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer will preach a sermon entitled “Who do you say that I am?”

Jesus asks his disciples this question, and it takes quite some time before they begin to figure out the answer. Transfiguration of Christ Sunday is an opportunity to remember the very nature of the One we worship. As both a historical person of the first century and the transfigured Holy One on the mountain, we worship someone who is both Christ of history and Christ of faith. This both-and nature means that we can see our own humanity in the person of Jesus, even as we see our reflected image of God in the holiness of his divinity. As we end the season of Epiphany, we are enlightened once again to all Christ’s life, death, and resurrection mean. And, we ready ourselves as Christ did for what is to come as we face the season of Lent, the struggle and pain of Holy Week, and ultimately the power and hope of Easter morning.

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