Join Us for a Service of Worship
Sunday, January 19, 2020 11:00 AM
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Scriptures include: Psalm 40:1-11 and John 1:29-42
Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer will preach a sermon entitled “Come and See”
In our Gospel lesson, we read that the disciples, recognizing Christ for who he was after his baptism, are overwhelmed by the Good News that the Messiah has come. The message spreads through relationships between people who have been following John as a prophet that this Jesus has been named and commissioned in his baptism – the savior is here!
Sharing our faith isn’t always easy like it was then. Perhaps that’s because “evangelism” has become a dirty word in some circles. It just feels…inauthentic. But maybe we’ve just been doing it wrong and need to reclaim *relationship* as our primary mode of sharing this Good News. After all, Jesus said, “come and see,” inviting others to his place of abode. He didn’t intimidate or litter their car with tracts. He invited them to come and see the place where Christ abides – the place of hope and grace that will forever change our very being.