Join Us for a Service of Worship
Sunday, January 5, 2020 11:00 AM
Epiphany Sunday
Scriptures include: Isaiah 60:1-6 and Matthew 2:1-12
Rev. Dr. Libby Grammer will preach a sermon entitled “A Tale of Fear and Wonder”
From the East, magi came to see this small child promised to bring a new kind of kingdom. Strangers entered the land where those in power were afraid of this prophetic moment. But the strangers, the foreigners, were not afraid. They brought a wisdom we all can learn from: they came to pay homage, to bow down. They knew what so many didn’t – that despite how different this king was, this new era, this small child, was someone to whom we should be paying homage. In an age of terror and tension, there is wonder and worship here. Perhaps we can take our cues from the magi and find wonder and worship in our time, too.
Our art for this Sunday was created by Baptist Minister Suzanne L. Vinson. You can find more of her work at Silver Tree Art.