Third Sunday of Advent, December 11, 2022

Third Sunday of Advent, December 11, 2022

Join Us for a Service of Worship

Sunday, December 11, 2021

Third Sunday of Advent

FBC Sanctuary


Virtual Worship

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Scripture includes: Psalm 146:5-10 and Luke 1:46b-55

Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Mike Hatfield will preach a sermon entitled, “When Patience Seems Intolerable” James 5:7-10

We Welcome Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Mike Hatfield to our pulpit today! Mike is Pastor of our sister church, Chatham Heights Baptist Church, in Martinsville.

Today is the Third Sunday of Advent, the inaugural season of the Christian year. Advent is a time of spiritual preparation for the coming of Christ; thus, it is a season of both joyous and solemn expectation. The liturgical color is purple, symbolic of a spirit of preparation.


Advent Candle of Joy Lighting – FBC Mission Committee & WMU  

We light the candle of Joy, rejoicing in God’s good will for all creation, and opening ourselves to God’s gentle, transforming love. May God fill us with the kind of joy that cannot be contained, but must be shared.

Giving of our Resources

Please continue to give generously to the ministries of our church in 2022, whether in-person or online here – or mail / drop off your tithes and offerings to the church office. Your gifts help us to continue to minister through in-person and virtual church services, Bible studies, ministry to the community, and more.

Thank you for providing for the mission and ministry of First Baptist Church!

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