Join Us for a Service of Worship
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Transfiguration Sunday
FBC Sanctuary
Virtual Worship
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Scripture includes: Psalm 99 and Luke 9:28-43
Guest CBF Preacher, Rev. Dr. Chris Aho will preach a sermon entitled, “We Can Do New Things”
We Welcome Rev. Dr. Chris Aho as our guest preacher this morning! Chris currently serves as the Director of Thriving Congregations with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. His primary work focuses on implementing CBF’s Thriving Congregations Grant which will help congregations of the fellowship take a design approach to reimagining a shared life of thriving though clarity and collaboration while balancing tradition and innovation.
Chris holds degrees from Baylor University, Duke University, and recently completed a Doctorate at Duke University Divinity School.
Outside of work, Chris enjoys being with his family, reading, running, cycling, old cars, and being outside when he is not watching the Duke Bluedevils or Carolina Hurricanes.
He is married to Natalie and they have two boys, Cam and Finn.
Today is the Last Sunday After Epiphany—known as Transfiguration Sunday. The Season of Epiphany calls attention to the words and deeds of Jesus’ earthly ministry by which his divine sonship is made manifest. This last Sunday is the Transfiguration of the Lord, in which Christ’s divine sonship is reaffirmed. The liturgical color for today is white, recalling Jesus’ appearance in glorious splendor.
Giving of our Resources
Please continue to give generously to the ministries of our church in 2021, whether in-person or online here – or mail / drop off your tithes and offerings to the church office. Your gifts help us to continue to minister through in-person and virtual church services, Bible studies, ministry to the community, and more.
Thank you for providing for the mission and ministry of First Baptist Church!