Vacation Bible School 2023

Vacation Bible School 2023

Vacation Bible School 2023
with Chatham Heights Baptist Church
Friday, July 21st – Sunday, July 23rd @CHBC

FBC Kids Children’s Ministry and FBC ELC Children are invited to attend a shared VBS with our sister church, Chatham Heights Baptist Church! Children up through sixth grade will have times of learning, play, and spiritual growth. Meals and snacks will be provided.



Friday, July 21st

6:30PM – 8:30PM

Saturday, July 22nd

10:00AM – 2:00PM

Sunday, July 23rd

Closing Rally 6:00PM, CHBC

Pool Party, Elks Lodge, following the rally



Love children? Want to join us as we partner with CHBC for VBS? Sign up to volunteer at VBS! There are openings for all ages classes, the missions/music groups, and the food helpers. Call or email the church office to confirm where you’d like to volunteer!

Nursery is thru 2 yrs old: Caregivers, helpers
2-3 yrs old: Teacher, helpers
4-5 yrs old: Teacher, helpers
1st & 2nd Grade: Teacher, helpers
3rd & 4th Grade: Teacher, helpers
5th & 6th Grade: Teacher, helpers
Craft Helpers
Music Helpers
Missions Helpers
Food Helpers: Handing out food/snacks

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