Advent & Christmas at First Baptist Church

Advent & Christmas at First Baptist Church

The English word “Advent” comes from the Latin adventus—”coming”—and the season anticipates the coming of Christ, his coming as God in human flesh as a babe in Bethlehem, his coming into our lives as Lord, and his Second Coming at the end of time. During Advent, we await Christ’s coming, we prepare for it in our worship and study.

Below is a list of our Advent & Christmas events, along with a link to our Advent Brochure, which serves as a guide for the seasons of Advent and Christmas at First Baptist.

Click to Read our Advent Brochure




Family ADVENTure Lunch, November 20th

12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., FBC Fellowship Hall

Families and individuals of all ages can drop in to create Advent wreaths, candle holders, star ornaments and more.

First Sunday of Advent, November 27th

11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary

Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In

Caroling at Piedmont Arts Christmas Tree Lighting, December 1st

4:00PM to 6:00PM, Piedmont Arts Gravely-Lester Art Garden (across Mulberry Rd. from FBC)

The Annual Christmas Tree lighting in the Gravely-Lester Art Garden. There will be a Santa Claus photo opportunity, story telling Santa, hot cocoa and kettle corn, and our choir will provide caroling!

“Fall” into Winter Fest-Uptown, December 3rd

11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, FBC will have a booth Uptown

We will be giving out balloons, brochures and having a raffle drawing.

Second Sunday of Advent, December 4th

11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary

Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In

Library Bake Sale & Church Christmas Dinner, December 4th

12:15 PM, Fellowship Hall

Reservation and tickets are available in the church office. Cost for dinner is $11.00. Children under 10 are free.

FBC ELC Christmas Pageant, December 7th

7:00 PM in the Sanctuary

Pastor’s Holiday Drive-Thru/Drop-In, December 10th

3:00PM-5:00PM at the Pastor’s House

Third Sunday of Advent, December 11th

11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary

Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In

Henry County Food Pantry-Box Packing, December 17th

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 3321 Fairystone Park Hwy in Bassett, VA

Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Choir Cantata, December 18th

9:30 AM at CHBC and 11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary

Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In

Longest Night Service, Tuesday, December 21st

6:00PM, Chatham Heights Baptist Church Sanctuary – Shared Service with First Baptist Church

Christmas Eve Candlelight & Communion, December 24th

4:00PM, FBC Sanctuary, New Time

Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In

Christmas Worship, December 25th

11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary

Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In

Richard’s Dinner, December 25th

Send donations to Grace Network, PO box 3902, Martinsville. VA 24115, marked Richard’s Dinner

Epiphany Sunday, January 1st

11:00AM, FBC Sanctuary

Streamed on Facebook, YouTube, and Zoom Call-In

Watch a Live Stream of Worship Services on



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