Dear Church Family,
I long to be with you in person. I miss each of you so much, and our dreams deferred are a heavy weight to bear. But I have to believe that we are growing in this season in some way, that God will use this period of rest for renewal in the future. Keep dreaming, my friends, and when we gather again, I know God will bless our efforts.
Our church’s Coordinating Council had originally set a date of June 10th to reevaluate reopening the church to in-person gatherings. This date was based on the governor’s original executive stay-at-home order end date. Even as the Commonwealth reopens in phases, though, we have seen an exponential jump in cases in our city and the surrounding counties since May 1. We know some of that is simply higher numbers due to increased testing, but it also seems to carry with it some concern that our area is “just getting started” with the spread of this virus.
With all of that in mind, our Coordinating Council has met and decided that with the overall risk our congregation carries, we will continue to worship and study virtually until at least July 6, 2020 when we will revisit our possible reopening again. The Coordinating Council and I will send another update that week to let you know what our plans for July will be.
Please know that we do not make these decisions lightly. But you are so important to us, and we want to make sure you are safe and that our sanctuary is not the site of an outbreak from gathering again too soon. I know we are all tired of being physically alone (though I hope we are all working hard to stay socially connected…many thanks to our deacons and card-writers these days!). I am praying for an end to the pandemic, or at least a major slowing of it, so that we may resume the in-person worship and work we love so much. In the meantime, we will serve however we can, offering God’s love in innovative ways.
And remember – this is only a season, and one we are going to weather and be better for it. Join us on these dates/times for worship and study, and feel free to reach out to me, to the church office staff, or to your deacon if you need anything!
Virtual Sunday School, 9:45 AM on Zoom
To login via Zoom (smart phone, tablet, computer), click the link sent to you in your email. (Not signed up for emails? Click here and subscribe on the right-hand side!)
To call and listen via Zoom, use our NEW TOLL-FREE number: 1-833-548-0276, and enter meeting ID 276-632-6336#, #
Sunday Morning Worship, 11:00 AM on Zoom and Facebook/YouTube
To login via Zoom (smart phone, tablet, computer), click the link sent to you in your email. (Not signed up for emails? Click here and subscribe on the right-hand side!)
To call and listen via Zoom, use our NEW TOLL-FREE number: 1-833-548-0276, and enter meeting ID 276-632-6336#, #
OR watch on Facebook/YouTube:
Wednesday Night Midweek Check-In, 7:00 PM on Zoom
To login via Zoom (smart phone, tablet, computer), click the link sent to you in your email. (Not signed up for emails? Click here and subscribe on the right-hand side!)
To call and listen via Zoom, use our NEW TOLL-FREE number: 1-833-548-0276, and enter meeting ID 276-632-6336#, #
Thursday Morning Bible Study, 10:00 AM on Zoom
To login via Zoom (smart phone, tablet, computer), click the link sent to you in your email. (Not signed up for emails? Click here and subscribe on the right-hand side!)
To call and listen via Zoom, use our NEW TOLL-FREE number: 1-833-548-0276, and enter meeting ID 276-632-6336#, #
**If you have any trouble getting connected with us, please let the church office know! We want you to be able to be a part of our church community however you can in this season.
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8:30AM to 5:00PM
We also continue to live out our faith through offering community prayer requests to be submitted on our website ( or called in to the church office. If you’re interested in being updated on our community prayer requests, please contact Roslyn Wingett.
For missions, we continue to offer meals to first responders and essential personnel through our Feeding First missions program. Want to help us do this? It’s easy – you can give to our Missions Opportunities Fund – just mark it in the memo of your check or online gift. (Thank you to all who have donated generously to the fund so far to provide meals!). You can also make desserts to accompany our meals (drop off safely at the church door). Or you can help Bobby Moore or Linda Dorr with the calling and set up of the meals. If you feel up to getting out (with masks and gloves!) you are also welcome to help us deliver meals.
Lastly, Renee Fulcher, our Financial Secretary of 21 years, has her last day next Thursday with our church. We encourage you to write her a card (or send a gift, if you wish) to the church and let her know how much she means to us. We want this to be a “card shower” that overwhelms her with love as she embarks on a new adventure with Keesee Foundation! We will miss her, even as we are excited for the new gifts Kaylee White brings to our ministries. And though we can’t gather in person to wish her goodbye and best wishes, I know you’ll want to share your love with her however you can.
In Christ,